If you install Pro-Server EX version 1.10, you
have to control Pro-Server EX separately.
You cannot use the device API in IPC unless it
has TCP/IP settings. Be sure to check that the network settings
have TCP/IP protocol installed.
If you exit WinGP while accessing the device
access API, all the returns from API result in an error.
If you compile the header created in Visual C++
Ver.6, C:\Program files\Pro-face\WinGP\SDK\VC\Public\ProEasy.h or
Pro-Studio [Programming Support]-[VC:Statement] via clip board,
LPVARIANT might result in an undefined error. LPVARIANT is defined
in afxdisp.h. Include this by defining #include <afxdisp.h>
in stdafx.h to avoid an error.
When using the [Set number of files in
destination folder on external storage] property, you cannot access
the CF card with the WinGP or Pro-Server EX device access API
"define file type".