WinGP will not operate if installed on an
unsupported IPC or PC/AT compatible machine.
Exit all programs including virus check
Use a user account with administrator
authority for installation.
Windows XP Embedded Users
Windows XP Embedded has a write protection
setting. to install WinGP on your C drive, you need to disable the
write protection filter setting. Using EWFSettingTool.exe, select
"EWF Disable" to disable the setting before installation.
Windows XP Embedded User
Pro-Server EX Version Before V1.10 or
Pro-Server with Pro-Studio Users
You cannot install WinGP on an IPC in which
Pro-Server EX before V.1.10 or Pro-Server with Pro-Studio is
installed. If an earlier version of Pro-EX exists, either uninstall
or update Pro-Server EX to V1.10 or later.
Before you install WinGP on an iPC or PC/AT compatible machine, you
need to install Pro-Server EX version 1.10 or later.