Error Message
Cause and Solution
The specified address is out of the address
range. The address cannot exceed *** .
Verify the address settings range and run the
automatic layout.
(*** is the greatest possible address
20.10.1 Common Settings
(Alarm) Setting Guide
The permitted range from the current location
is 1- *** . Specify a value within the range.
Verify the address settings range and run the
automatic layout.
*** is the greatest possible additional number
of bits setting)
The upper limit value must be greater than the
lower limit value.
Set an upper value limit that is greater than
the lower value limit.
Alarm Settings (Block 1) - Word Monitoring
The additional alarm row cannot be inserted.
Delete the alarm in the last row then insert the alarm row again.
Insert row operation canceled.
Cannot insert an additional alarm row. to
insert a row, delete the alarm in the last row and insert a row
Invalid file.
The import file format is incorrect. Specify a
file created in the correct format.
20.10.1 Common Settings
(Alarm) Setting Guide
Import operation failed. Invalid file
The import file is not an alarm data file.
Specify an alarm data file. Otherwise, the [File Type] setting may
have been changed. Confirm that the file type is set to [Alarm
Import/Export Alarm Settings
The file has been edited in a newer version of
the Editor. Import operation failed.
Specify the data file created with GP-Pro EX of
the currently used version, or of an older version.
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file):
Unable to import.
The import file format is incorrect. Data in
the indicated line is missing. Add necessary data in the relevant
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file):
Unable to find [* (value)].
The import file format is incorrect. Check if
the indicated keyword exists or not.
Unable to open file. File may be open or
The selected file is currently used by another
application. Close the file.
Error. The alarms could not be imported.
GP-Pro EX could not recognize the file you
attempted to import. Check if the file you want to import can be
opened in CSV format.
The Enable Text Table option is off.
The imported file is set up to use the text
table, however the [Enable Text Table] check box is cleared. Select
the [Enable Text Table] check box and then import.
20.10.1 Common Settings
(Alarm) Setting Guide
The Enable Text Table option is on.
The imported file is set up not to use the text
table, however the [Enable Text Table] check box is selected. Clear
the [Enable Text Table] check box and then import.
The import file and Text Table languages do not
match. File's Text Table [*(value)] language is [*(language)].
The target table language is different from the
import file.
From the [Common Settings], select [Text Table] and change the
associated language to match the import file.
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file): *
(value)] The valid values are [0, 1]
The specified value is out of the setting
range. Specify a correct value and then execute import.
Alarm Settings (Block 1) - Bit Monitoring
Alarm Settings (Block 1) - Word Monitoring
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file): *
(value)] The valid range is [{2}-{3}]
Alarm Settings (Block 1) - Bit Monitoring
Alarm Settings (Block 1) - Word Monitoring
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file): [*
(value)] invalid data format. The valid values are [0:DEC, 1:HEX,
Alarm Settings (Block 1) - Word Monitoring
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file): [*
(value)] invalid print setting. The valid values are [0:Real-time
printing, 1:Batch printing]
20.10.1 Common Settings
(Alarm) Setting Guide
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file): *
(value)] invalid power up sequence. Valid Range: [0:Display as new
alarm, 1:Do not display continual alarms]
20.10.1 Common Settings
(Alarm) Setting Guide
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file): [*
(value)] invalid font type. The valid values are [0:Standard font,
1:Stroke font]
| Alarm
Settings (Banner)
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file): [*
(value)] invalid color mode. The color settings may have
| Alarm
Settings (Banner)
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file): *
(value)] invalid font size.
| Alarm
Settings (Banner)
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file): *
(value)] invalid value for trigger condition.
Alarm Settings (Block 1) - Word Monitoring
Line *** (the Line number on the CSV file): *
(value)] Invalid color mode.
65536 Colors, No Blink
16384 Colors, 3-Speed Blink
4096 Colors, 3-Speed Blink
Monochrome 16 Levels, 3-Speed Blink
256 Colors, No Blink
64 Colors, 3-Speed Blink
16 Colors, Blink
Monochrome 8 Levels, Blink
Monochrome 8 Levels, No Blink
Line [* (value)]: Invalid Text Table index
number [* (value)].
Valid range: [1-[* (value)]]
Text table index number is missing from the
imported messages, or the index is using an out of range value.
Specify a correct value and then execute import.
Line [* (value)]: The number of characters or
number of rows exceeds the maximum limit for the Text Table. Excess
data will not be imported.
There is a maximum limit for the number of
characters and number of rows in the Text Table. When importing,
the message portion that exceeds the maximum limit is erased. Edit
the messages and import again.
The specified value is out of the setting
range. Range: 1 to 8
Set the number of alarm settings to 8 or
The setting value is incorrect. Please set a
correct value.
Check the CSV data format.