Error Message
Timeout error is occurred.
Time out occurred when connecting with the
setting registered in the Pass-through Configuration Tool. Check
that the GP is connected.
Failed to open port of Virtual Com Driver.
Failed to open Virtual COM when connecting with
the setting registered in the Pass-through Configuration Tool.
Check that port number set by applications such as ladder software
is the same.
The node is already connected.
Connected to the GP that has already been
connected with pass-through function. Check the connection status
of pass through function with the Pass-through Configuration
Virtual COM port driver is not properly
installed. Please install Virtual COM port driver
Virtual COM port driver is not properly
installed. After deleting virtual COM port driver, reinstall.
Port number of virtual COM duplicated. Please
change virtual port number of virtual Com in the device manager
Port number of virtual COM duplicated. Chage
the corresponding COM port number with device manager.