If a communication error occurs only when a specific screen is
opened, a part or a script may be using unsupported device
addresses on the base screen where the error occurred.
Follow the procedure below to check the addresses used on the
screen on which an error occurred.
With GP-Pro EX, open the screen on which an error
starting with RHAA036 to RHAA039 occurred.
From the GP-Pro EX [Project] menu, expand [Utility]
and select [Cross Reference].
When the [Cross Reference] dialog box appears,
select [All] from the [Target] drop-down list.
Check if any of the following points are true for
the addresses displayed in blue according to the error code.
codes RHAA036 and RHAA037
Check if any addresses outside of the range
of the device addresses supported by GP-Pro EX are used.
Error code
Check if the Data Display or D-script tries
to read a write-only device.
Error code RHAA039
Check if a switch or a D-script tries to
write to a read-only device.
For the range of device addresses supported by
GP-Pro EX, and write-only or read-only device addresses, see the
"Supported Devices" section in the corresponding GP-Pro EX
Device/PLC Connection Manual.