If the [System Settings] tab is not displayed
in the workspace, on the [View (V)] menu, point to [Workspace (W)],
and then click [System Settings (S)].
Click [Display Unit].
Select the [System Area] tab. In the [System Data
Area], set the [System Area Start Address] and select the [Enable
System Data Area] check box.
Select the [Clock Data (Preset Value): (4 Words)] check box.
Write clock data to the address displayed in [Clock
Data (Preset Value):(4 Words)] with BCD. Clock data is rewritten if
a data rewrite flag (for example, D0010 bit 15) changes (OFF to ON
or ON to OFF). The procedure for writing data is as follows.
When the 15th bit is ON, enter data to turn OFF
the 15th bit to update the time.
You cannot change the "Seconds" data. It is
reset to "0" when the clock data is rewritten.