Bit Address
Specify the Bit Address that you want to operate.
Bit Action
Select the Bit action.
Touch the switch and the bit specified in
[Bit Address] will turn ON.
Touch the switch and the bit specified in
[Bit Address] will turn OFF.
Touch the switch and the bit specified in
[Bit Address] will be alternated (ON-OFF or OFF-ON).
Touch the switch and the Word Address data
and a constant are compared.
If the required condition is met as a result of the comparison, the
bit specified in [Bit Address] is turned ON.
Comparison Word Address
Specify the Word Address (16 bit) to be compared. The data
stored in this Word Address will be compared to the [Constant], and
if the conditions are met the [Bit Address] will be turned ON.
Select the comparison condition from: =, <, >, <>,
<=, or >=.
Specify the value to be compared. Each [Data Type] has a
different size range.
Dec: -32,768 to 32,767
BCD: 0 to 9999
Hex: 0 to FFFF
Data Type
Choose the constant's data type from [Dec], [BCD], or [Hex].