Lists the pictures of the registered packages. This allows you
to select the pictures you want to use and then drag and drop the
pictures onto the screen editor.
Select Package
Click the icon to display a
different registered package from the [Package List].
For more details regarding the [Package List], please refer to
8.14.2 Package Settings
From the [Select Package] list, select [Import from project] to
display the [Import from project] dialog box.
Look in
Select the location of the project file.
File name
Displays the name of the selected project.
Files of type
Selects the project file type [Project File (*.prx)].
Package Name
Set the title, up to 64 characters, for the new package.
Registers the project file's base screens in a new package. Each
screen is registered as a separate object.
Changes the names or deletes the parts you select.
This can only be changed when the displayed package is the user
or external package.