Displays a map of the device/PLC addresses in use or a list of
the symbol variables.
By dragging and dropping an address to an object on the editor
screen, the address can be mapped to the object. Please refer to
the following for details.
40.1 Confirming
the Address List Used in a Project File
Select Model
Select the target for a list from [Device Address] or [Symbol
Device Address
Displays a map of the device/PLC addresses used in a
Select the address type to list. Depending on the [Register
Variable] specified in the System Setting Window [Logic Program]
page, the options vary.
When the [Register Variable] is [Variable Format], select [Bit
Address] or [Word Address] as the type.
When the [Register Variable] is [Address Format], select from
[Bit Address (Bit Variable)], [Word Address (Integer Variable)],
[Float Variable], [Real Variable], [Timer Variable], [Counter
Variable], [Date Variable], [Time Variable], or [PID Variable].
Select the address to display in the map area.
Map Area
Displays a map of addresses in use.
Symbol Variable
Displays the symbol variables used in the project.
Select the address type to list. Depending on the [Register
Variable] specified in the System Setting Window [Logic Program]
page, the options vary.
When the [Register Variable] is [Variable Format], select from
[All], [Bit Address], [Word Address], [Bit Variable], [Integer
Variable], [Float Variable], [Real Variable], [Timer Variable],
[Counter Variable], [Date Variable], [Time Variable], [PID
Variable], [System Variable (Bit)], or [System Variable
When the [Register Variable] is [Address Format], select from
[All], [Bit Address], [Word Address], [System Variable (Bit)], or
[System Variable (Integer)].
Select the symbol variable usage from [All], [In Use], or
Display Unused Symbol Variables
Symbol variables that are not used in the project display in the
[Unused Symbol Variables] dialog box, where you can delete them all
at once.
Deleting all unused symbol variables
Display Area
Displays a list of the symbol variables.
Displays the addresses that are set up.
Displays the address states in alphabetical order. The meaning
of each letter is as follows.
H: Used on a screen, L: Used in Logic, K: Retentive, I: Input,
Q: Output
Displays the usage of each address.
Displays the part ID, the address group, the block number, or
line number associated with where the address is used.
Displays the screen numbers, Common Settings type.