When you change the display unit orientation from
landscape to portrait, you can rotate the screen drawings as
described below. From the [Edit] menu, select [Rotate/Flip] to
edit. Be sure to check the screen after the change.
For display units other than GP-4100 series,
rotate 270 degrees

For GP-4100 series rotate 90 degrees

If you change from a high resolution display type
to a low resolution display type, the data that exceeds the range
is not displayed. If you change back to a high resolution display
type, the data that exceeded the range is displayed.
The maximum number of display characters on a part differs between
a low resolution display type and a high resolution display type.
If you create an alarm message on a high resolution display unit,
then change to a low resolution display unit, any part of the
message that does not fit on the screen will not appear.
If you convert resolution, the part size,
position, and the text size to the display resolution is adjusted
automatically. Some scale magnification may not convert properly
due to text size and resolution limitations.
When you reduce the screen edit area with the
zoom function, some drawings may not display correctly, depending
on the magnification.
The screen image displayed in the editor may not
appear exactly as the screen on the display unit. Before
transferring, please check the screen image using Simulation.
When using these functions with [Portrait]
orientation, please use the display unit coordinates as in the
following diagrams.