Text Operation Error Status
When an error occurs during execution of text operation, an
error is set to the Text Operation Error Status [e: STR_ERR_STAT].
"0" in [e: STR_ERR_STAT] indicates a normal condition, and values
other than "0" stored in [e: STR_ERR_STAT] indicate error states.
The most recent error is stored in the Text Operation Error Status
[e: STR_ERR_STAT]. The Text Operation Error Status can be set up
with [SIO Port Operation/Label Settings] under the D-Script Toolbox
menu. The following table lists the text operation errors.
A string of at least 256 bytes is directly
included in the argument for the following functions: _strset ( ),
_strlen ( ), _strcat ( ), _strmid ( ), and IO_READ_WAIT ( ).
Or, a string exceeding the data buffer size is created during
execution of the _strcat ( ) or _ldcopy ( ) function.
For example,
_strcat(databuf0, databuf1)
the above function is executed when a string of 1020 bytes is
stored in databuf0, and a string of 60 bytes is stored in databuf1.
(A string exceeding 1024 bytes, the size of the data buffer,
results in an error status.)
Invalid character code is given to the
_hexasc2bin ( ) or _decasc2bin ( ) function.
For example,
a character code other than "0" to "9", "A" to "F", or "a" to "f"
is included in the second parameter for _hexasc2bin ( ).
Retrieval of a character string longer than
the character string specified with the "_strmid ( )" Function is
attempted. Or, an offset value greater than the specified string is
For example,
_strmid(databuf0, "12345678", 2, 8)
Retrieval of an 8-character string from offset 2 is attempted
It is stored in the Error Status during execution of each
To check the error [e: STR_ERR_STAT], write the following
statements. You can confirm the error with the following
Example expression:
if ([e:STR_ERR_STAT] <> 0) // Check error
set ([b:[#INTERNAL]LS005000]) // Set bit of error lamp.