Write a temperature value to be specified in the word address
From Monday to Friday, a temperature setting of 100 is written to
the word address D100 at the start time (8:00) for the running
mode, and a temperature setting of 40 is written at the end time
(17:00) for standby mode.
From the [Common Settings (R)] menu, select [Time
Schedule (F)] or click from the toolbar. The
Time Schedule tab appears.
Click the row of the schedule number you want to
register (for example, Number 1). The settings dialog box
You can register up to 32 schedules (Number 1
to Number 32) in the schedule function.
From [Mode], select [Word Set 16].
In [Action Address], set the target word address
(for example, D100).
Select [Constant] and set the [Write Start Value]
to "100".
Select the [Time Set] tab then select
Set the Start Time and Day. Set the Start Time as
8:00 and select the Monday to Friday check boxes. Clear the
[Setting on Individual Day] check box.
Set the end time. Select the [Enable Termination
Action] check box and set the end time as 17:00.
Select the [Action] tab and set the [Write End
Value] to "40".
Click [OK]. The settings appear in the Schedule
Settings tab.