When using CF card or USB storage, check the
restrictions identified in the following.
5.5.3 Restrictions on
External Storage Usage
The maximum number of data that can be set in one
file (ZR*****.csv) is 10,000 (or 5,000 when the data is 32
If the number of data is large, transfer may take
some time. The time from when transfer starts to when transfer is
complete can vary from several seconds to several minutes.
While a transfer is occurring, the display of
Parts may not update properly or may become slow. Screen changes
and other operations may also become slow.
If a screen change occurs during transfer, in
order to read the screen information, the transfer may take some
Wait until a transfer completes before initiating
another one. If a transfer is started before the previous one ends,
such as when an automatic transfer and manual transfer occur at the
same time, the second transfer operation may not be accepted.
If a project transfer or changing to offline mode
is perfomed while transferring data, the data may not be
transferred completely.
If multiple files are stored in the CF Card/USB
Storage [file] folder,
transferring to the device from CF Card/USB Storage may take up to
several minutes.
When a CF Card/USB storage error occurs,
temporary files may remain on the CF Card/USB storage device.
When overwriting, the required available space on
the CF Card or USB Storage is at least double the size of the
actual data. If there is more data than available space, a write
error occurs during transfer.
To free up space, you can move out data that is not needed
immediately between the CF Card and USB Storage.
Transferring Data Between a CF Card and a USB Storage
When transferring data from device/PLC to CF
Card/USB Storage, the [file] folder is created if it does not
already exist. If the CF Card/USB storage is not reset or the
folder cannot be created, a CF Card/USB storage error occurs.
When you save the existing CSV data in the CF
Card/USB Storage, if there is data entered in the third row or
later in the CSV data, it will be deleted upon saving.
When using Float, up to 17 digits or 16 decimal
places can be read, but an error may occur after the seventh digit
due to floating point limitations.
When transferring from the CF card or USB storage
to the device/PLC, tabs and single-byte space characters are
skipped when read. Furthermore, when there are periods or commas in
comments, there are instances when the data text cannot be read
properly. When there are two or more commas in a single row, data
after the second comma is not read.
First set the Condition on [Recipe] - [Transfer
CSV Data (Condition)], then place the Special Data Display [Data
Transmission] on the screen.
Only one Special Data Display [Data Transmission]
can be placed per screen.
Up to 32 Special Data Display [Data Transmission]
can be placed per project.
When selecting transfer files by touch, multiple
files can only be selected from the area displayed in a Special
Data Display [Data Transmission]. (The maximum number of display
rows is 50.) If the displayed page is changed with the [Data
Transmission] scroll switch, the selection will be cancelled.
If an error occurs while transferring multiple
files, transfer stops at that file. Subsequent files are not
When transferring data from the device/PLC to the
CF Card/USB Storage, the data is saved in the file set in the
Special Data Display [Data Transmission]. The Condition Name
(Group Name) is
overwritten by the Condition Name set in the Common Settings -
Condition area.
If the number of data designated in the condition
settings differs from that in the file, the smaller number of data
are transferred.
Ensure that the file numbers set in the condition
settings ([Start] to [End]) are not repeated in multiple
conditions. If file numbers are repeated in several conditions,
data are transferred according to the condition with the smaller
A maximum of 64 files can be transferred at one
If an error occurs while transferring multiple
files, transfer stops at that file. Subsequent files are not
transferred. Transfer occurs in order starting from the top file
number storage address.
If the number of data designated in the condition
settings differs from that in the file, the smaller number of data
are transferred.
Ensure that the file numbers set in the condition
settings ([Start] to [End]) are not repeated in multiple
conditions. If file numbers are repeated in several conditions,
data are transferred according to the condition with the smaller
If the number of files is not set, data are
transferred even when the [Control Word Address] turns ON. Also,
status will not restart.
When using the Condition Name Search feature,
only Text Data Mode 1, 2, 4, and 5 are supported.