26.6.2 Transfer - Transferring from Device/PLC
Transfer CF/USB to Device/PLC
Transfer a single recipe file "ZR00000.csv" to a device/PLC.
In D52, store the number of CSV files to transfer
In D53, store the File Number "0".
Turn ON D50 bit 0. According to the settings of
Condition Number 0, data transfers into 6 words, D100 to D105.
During the data transfer, D51 (Status address) bit 0 (Transferring
Bit) turns ON.
When all files have completed transfer normally,
D51 bit 0 turns OFF, and bit 1 (Transfer Complete Flag) turns
Turn OFF D50 bit 0.
Transfer Device/PLC to CF/USB
Save 6 words of data, D100 to D105, to the CF Card as
In D52, store the number of CSV files to transfer
In D53, store the File Number "2".
Turn ON D50 bit 1. According to the settings of
Condition Number 0, data from 6 words, D100 to D105, are
transferred as "ZR00002.csv".
During the data transfer, D51 (Status address) bit 0 (Transferring
Bit) turns ON.
When all files have completed transfer normally,
D51 bit 0 turns OFF, and bit 1 (Transfer Complete Flag) turns
Turn OFF D50 bit 1.