Creating Recipes Using CSV Data
Overview 26.4 Creating Recipes Using CSV Data
Steps 26.4.1 Procedure - Creating Recipes with Excel (CSV Data)
Create a recipe as a CSV file with Microsoft Excel or GP-Pro EX.
Transferring CSV Data Recipes Using Touch
Overview 26.5 Transferring CSV Data Recipes Using Touch
Steps 26.5.1 Procedure - Transferring CSV Data Recipes Using Touch
Touch the Special Data Display [Data Transmission] transfer switch on the screen and transfer the selected CSV data.
Transferring CSV Data Recipes from the Device
Overview 26.6 Transferring CSV Data Recipes from the Device
Steps 26.6.1 Procedure - Transferring CSV Data Recipes from the Device
Transfer CSV data by turning ON a designated control address.
Displaying/Editing CSV data on the Screen
Overview 26.7 Displaying/Editing CSV data on the Screen
Steps 26.7.1 Procedure - Displaying/Editing CSV data on the Screen
Display the CSV data on the CF Card or USB storage device on the special data display [CSV display].
Edit the CSV data on the CF Card or USB storage device directly on the screen.
Print CSV data that displays on the [CSV display].
Creating Recipes Using Filing Data
Overview 26.12 Creating Recipes Using Filing Data
Steps 26.12.1 Procedure - Creating Recipes Using Filing Data
Create filing data recipes in GP-Pro EX.
Transferring Recipes (Filing Data) Using Touch (Manual Transfer)
Overview 26.13 Transferring Recipes (Filing Data) Using Touch (Manual Transfer)
Steps 26.13.1 Procedure - Transferring Recipes (Filing Data) Using Touch (Manual Transfer)
Touch the Special Data Display [Filing] transfer switch on the screen and transfer the selected recipe.
Transferring Recipes (Filing Data) from Devices Using Automatic Transfer
Overview 26.14 Transferring Recipes (Filing Data) Using Automatic Transfer
Steps 26.14.1 Procedure - Transferring Recipes (Filing Data) Using Automatic Transfer
Transfer Filing data by turning ON a designated control address.