26.10.4 About Automatic Numbering
When automatically transferring from the device/PLC to the CF
Card or USB storage device, you can automatically allocate file
numbers to create new files. to set up this function, open the [CSV
Data Transfer Condition] dialog box and click the [Extended]
The automatic numbering action is as follows:
The new file name is created by adding +1 to the
file number with the most recent time stamp among existing files on
a CF card/USB storage.
If no free space is left, the file with the
oldest time stamp is deleted and a new file is created by adding +1
to the last saved file number.
If the file numbers do not conform to time
stamps in automatic numbering mode (when files are overwritten by
manual transfer), a new file is created by increasing the most
recent File Number by +1.
When using automatic numbering, do not use
manual transfer (Device/PLC to CF Card or USB Storage) and allocate
file numbers. These files will be overwritten.
Regardless of the timestamp of a manual transfer, files are
overwritten, in order, from the number of the last automatically
numbered file plus one.
If the file number reaches the [End], data will not be transferred
even if the [Control Word Address] turns ON. to continue
transferring data, use the [Loop] feature or specify the [Resume
Bit Address].
When you enable the [Loop] feature, after the
[End] is reached, data is overwritten starting from the [Start] and
the transfer continues.
For example, when the Condition are: [Start] = 0, [End] = 4
When the [End] is reached and the designated
[Resume Bit Address] turns ON, then the next time the [Control Word
Address] turns ON, the [Start] file gets overwritten and the other
files after that are overwritten and transferred.
Automatic Numbering Timing Chart
When you create files from [Start] to [End], the [Full Bit
Address] turns ON and automatic transfer ends.
To run automatic transfer again, turn ON the [Resume Bit
Address], then turn ON bit 1 of the [Control Word Address]. Files
are overwritten and created in order starting from the [Start].
When the [Resume Bit Address] turns ON, the [Full Bit Address]
is turned OFF. Check that the [Full Bit Address] is turned OFF and
turn OFF the [Resume Bit Address].
Transfer may not work when files already exist
up to the end number in the CF Card or USB storage. When the
display unit is turned ON, right after turning ON bit 1 in the
[Control Word Address], the [Full Bit Address] turns ON. However,
if the [Resume Bit Address] is ON, when you turn ON bit 1 in the
[Control Word Address], files are overwritten beginning at the
start number.
Before you run the Transfer operation, you should check the file
number stored on the CF Card or USB storage and also check the
state of the [Resume Bit Address].