Displays the title of the WinGP window.
When each check box is selected, the corresponding setting item
is enabled.
Changes the window to full screen mode.
Hides the window. The window icon is displayed on the Task
Close Button
Closes WinGP.
Displays the window title and the Minimize, Maximize, and Close
Displays the [File (F)] and [Help (H)] menus.
If you place the cursor on the window frame, and drag the
cursor, you can change the window size. If the window size is
reduced from the initial setting, the scroll bar appears, allowing
you to scroll the window size up and down.
Define the
window position
You can define the display position when starting up WinGP. The
window display position is defined by the X and Y coordinates.
0 to Maximum resolution of the selected model
(horizontal) - 1
0 to Maximum resolution of the selected model
(horizontal) - 1
Select a window size: [320 x 240 QVGA], [640
x 480 VGA], [800 x 600 SVGA], [1024 x 768 XGA].
Specify the width of the window size from 0
to the maximum resolution of the selected model.
Specify the height of the window size from 0
to the maximum resolution of the selected model.
Select the window display mode. Select either [Window Mode] or [Full Screen Mode].