Data is read from the object dictionary of the specified
Double-click the inserted instruction and the following dialog
box appears.
Operand Settings
Specify index of the object.
Specify sub-index of the object.
Specify node ID.
Specify length (byte number) of SDO
Specify where to store read data and abort
For the lower 16 bits, if you specify an array element in the
system variable #L_IOMasterDrv[0] to [255], the location becomes
the start address from which the number of bytes specified in
parameter S4 is written into the variable.
For the higher 16 bits, if you specify an array element in the
system variable #L_IOMasterDrv[0] to [255] with the most
significant bit ON, the abort code is written in the specified
Specify the variable where error codes are
stored if an instruction does not act as expected.
Error Code
Error in operand number
Error in set up value for operand S4 or
Error in SDO communication or error in set up
value for operand S1, S2, or S3
Timeout error
SDO protocol error
SDO send overflow
SDO master setting error
SDO access error
SDO receive timeout
SDO operand error
SDO master status error
SDO master status stopped
SDO abort error
S4=20, S5=3
Abort Code
Toggle bit was not changed.
SDO protocol timeout
Invalid or unknown Client/Server command
Invalid block size (block mode)
Invalid sequence number (block mode)
CRC error (block mode)
Insufficient memory
Access to unsupported objects
Read access to write-only objects
Write access to read-only objects
Object does not exist in the object
Cannot map PDO objects
The number and length of objects to map
exceed the PDO length
Incompatibility of general parameters
General internal incompatibility of the
Access failure due to a hardware error
Data type mismatch. Length of the service
parameter does not match.
Data type mismatch. Length of the service
parameter is too long.
Data type mismatch. Length of the service
parameter is too short.
Sub index does not exist
Parameter value out of range (for write
Written parameter value is too large.
Written parameter value is too small.
Maximum value is less than minimum value
Resource cannot be used
General error
Data cannot be transferred or stored by the
Due to local control, data cannot be stored
or transferred to the application
Data cannot be transferred or stored by the
application in the current device state.
Dynamic creation of the object dictionary
failed or the object dictionary does not exist
Valid data does not exist