Monitor Word Address
The data stored in this Word Address displays in the graph.
Data Type
Select the graph display data type from [16 Bit Bin], [16 Bit
BCD], [32 Bit Bin], [32 Bit BCD], or [32 Bit Float].
Bit Length
If [Data Type] is [16 Bit Bin], set the data's enabled bit
length from 1 to 16.
Specify Input Range
Sign +/-
Set whether graph display data can handle negative numeric data.
This can only be set when the [Data Type] is [16 Bit Bin] or [32
Bit Bin].
Only positive numeric data will be
Negative numbers are handled with 2's
Negative numbers are handled with MSB
Min. Value/Max. Value
Select the input range for graph display data. Each [Data Type]
and [Input Sign] has a different size range.
Data Type
Sign +/-
16 Bit Bin
0 to 65535
2's Complement
-32768 to 32767
MSB Sign
-32767 to 32767
32 Bit Bin
0 to 4294967295
2's Complement
-2147483648 to 2147483647
MSB Sign
-2147483647 to 2147483647
16 Bit BCD
0 to 9999
32 Bit BCD
0 to 99999999
32 Bit Float
-9.9e16 to 9.9e16
Display Range
Display Sign +/-
Set to display negative numbers. This can only be set when the
[Data Type] is [16 Bit Bin], [32 Bit Bin], or [32 Bit Float].
Min. Value/Max. Value
Shows the display range's Min and Max. If [Display Sign +/-] is
set, the Min is "-100". If it is not set, the Min is "0". The Max
is fixed as "100".
Display Direction
Select the graph display direction from [Rotate Right] or
[Rotate Left].