Display Direction
Select the graph display direction.
Data Samples
Set the number of sets of data samples to display on a single
line. The range depends on the set model's Display Number of
Display Number of Dots
Data Samples
320 x 240 dots (QVGA)
0 to 319
640 x 480 dots (VGA)
0 to 639
800 x 600 dots (SVGA)
0 to 799
1024 x 768 dots (XGA)
0 to 799
Vertical Major Scale/Minor Scale
Set whether to display the vertical major and minor scale on the
trend graph (Y-axis). If so, choose the number of divisions. The
number of divisions can be set from 1 to 638 for Major Scale, and
from 2 to 638 for Minor Scale.
Horizontal Major Scale/Minor Scale
Set whether to display the horizontal major and minor scale on
the trend graph (X-axis). If so, choose the number of divisions.
The number of divisions can be set from 1 to 638 for Major Scale,
and from 2 to 638 for Minor Scale.