After converting a device/PLC, any parts,
D-Scripts, Alarms, etc., must have their device addresses set
again. Also, please save any screens that use a Special Switch set
to [Screen Change].
If you change the device/PLC by clicking the
[Change] button in the [Change Device/PLC] dialog box, the address
conversion pattern may not display correctly if there is no device
code at the destination. Confirm all device addresses used in the
project and correct the relevant addresses.
When using an Ethernet communication driver with
multiple connections, [UDP] or [TCP] cannot be set up in the same
For example, when [Device/PLC1] has been set to MELSEC A Ethernet
[UDP] type, [Device/PLC2] cannot be set to MELSEC A Ethernet [TCP]
When deleting the settings for multiple connected
PLCs, connected devices whose addresses are already used inside a
project cannot be deleted. If you cannot delete PLC settings, click
[Project] menu - [Utility] command and open [Cross Reference]. You
can then check which addresses are being used. Delete the PLC
settings after either replacing the address in use or deleting the
unused address.
You cannot stop the communication scan of a
device specified with the System Area Start Address. However, if
you are not using the System Data Area, you can stop the
communication scan.
5.3.6 System
Settings [Display Unit] - [System Area] Settings Guide
When using multiple drivers, you can connect up
to 128 device/PLCs in the whole project. When using multiple
Ethernet communication drivers, sockets must be 96 or less which
must also take into account any other restrictions.
You cannot add devices/PLCs or change drivers if it will exceed the
The occupied number of sockets differs depending on TCP or UDP.
TCP: one socket per device/PLC.
UDP: one socket per driver type.
You can add up to 64 indirect devicesto one
When using LT3000 series, ST3000 series or GP3200
series units, setting up indirect device reserves 1 MB of the
screen area for this feature. The project file size sent to the
display unit should not exceed the Display Unit Screen Area
Capacity minus 1 MB. The screen area capacity depends on the
display unit model.
1.5 Supported
In the [System Settings] window's [Device/PLC]
settings, you can use the same indirect device for multiple
devices/PLCs as long as the [Series] defined in the [Individual
Device Settings] match, or as long as you meet the following
[Individual Device Settings]
Omron Corporation
When [Series] is [CJ2 Series] and using tag
data, use the same tag data
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
When [Series] is [Control/Compact/Flex Logix
Series Native] use the same tag data
Fuji Electric FA Components & Systems Co.,
MICREX-SX Series Ethernet
When the [Use Variable Data] check box is
selected, use the same variable data
Schneider Electric Industries
The following configuration items should be the same.
General-purpose MODBUS RTU SIO Master
General-purpose MODBUS TCP Master
The following configuration items should be the same.
Bit data othe than word]
[IEC61131 Syntax]
[Address Mode]
[Double-word/word order
Siemens Building Technologies
Use same target and data points
You can use the indirect device in address fields
for parts or animation, and in the [Common Settings] menu's [Global
D-Script] and [Global Functions]. You cannot use indirect device
addresses in system settings or other functions in the [Common
Settings] menu.
When an indirect device is set up, the [Device ID
Address] is monitored every display scan. As a result, even if
there are no parts set up with an indirect device address on the
screen, the display scan speed is slower than a project with no
indirect device.
After changing the value in the [Device ID
Address], make sure you allow an interval longer than the display
scan time before running the next operation. The [Device ID
Address] is monitored at the end of the display scan. If the value
in the [Device ID Address] has changed, communication with the
device/PLC associated with the device ID starts on the next display
scan. As a result, after the change in device ID, communication
continues with the previous device/PLC until the device/PLC
For example, if you set up a multi-function switch that changes the
device ID, and then writes data to the indirect device, data will
not write to the changed device. Instead, data is written to the
device before the device change.
When changing to a non-existent device ID, parts
set to the indirect device will not work. When that happens an
error message will not display for parts that continuously monitor
addresses (such as the [Numeric Display]).
You cannot use indirect devices in an Extended
Script. Calling user-defined functions ([Script Type] = [D-Script])
that specify indirect devices do not work properly.
Changing the device/PLC works the same way as
screen change operations. Except for Global D-Script. Changing the
device/PLC causes Global D-Script to run from the beginning (first
registered script ID).
When changing the indirect device, Global
D-scripts and Global Function Switches stop communication with
devices/PLCs. Global D-scripts and Global Function Switches resume
communication when connection.
When using a [Bit Switch] set up with the [Group
with Auto OFF] feature, changing the device automatically turns OFF
the bit.
When changing the indirect device while a window
is open, the window will close. The window will display again after
its trigger condition is satisfied.
When GP-Viewer EX is in asynchronous mode (or
when changing from synchronous to asynchronous mode), you can use a
different device ID on the display unit (server) and on
In synchronous mode (or when changing from asynchronous to
synchronous mode), the device ID of the display unit is copied to
the GP-Viewer EX [Device ID Address].
For more details, please refer to the following.
37.21.1 GP-Viewer EX
When using GP-Viewer EX. do not use the address
defined in the [Device ID Address] field in any of the following
[Common Settings].
[Text Table]'s [Switching Control Address]
[Interlock Settings]'s [Interlock Address]
Even if you use the same address as the
[Device ID Address], parts (such as data display) operations will
not match when you change the [Device ID Address] value on
GP-Viewer EX after changing the screen mode from Synchronous to
For example, connect GP-Viewer EX in
synchronous mode and then change to asynchronous mode
Data Display: Now
displays values on GP-Viewer EX (previously displayed values from
display unit)
Text Table: the
reference remains the display side. no change.
Web Server cannot use indirect devices.
Pro-Server EX cannot use indirect devices.
When using indirect devices, although the
following system variables are available for selection when
defining addresses, they will not work. Instead, use system
variables associated with the actual device/PLC.