Displays the selected switch shape.
Open Shape Browser to choose the Part shape.
Set the Switch type.
Set a switch to start/end operation.
Touch [Start] and the cursor will appear to operate the other
Touching [End] cancels the cursor.
Set up the Acknowledge switch.
Acknowledges the alarm in the current cursor position. Press
[Acknowledge] and the selected Alarm Message's acknowledge time is
Alarms that have already recovered will not change when
[Acknowledge] is touched.
Acknowledge All
Acknowledges all Alarm Messages that are currently
Set the Move switches.
Move Up/Move Down
Moves the cursor 1 row up or down.
Scroll Up/Scroll Down
Alarm Messages that are currently displayed are scrolled up or
down by a given number of rows.
For example, Number of Active Alarms: 9, Display Rows: 3, Scroll:
Set a switch to clear the display. The Bit or Word data of the
host (PLC) will not be cleared.
Touch [Clear] to erase the Alarm Message display at the current
cursor position.
Clear All
Erases all displayed Alarm Messages, regardless of whether they
are in the [Trigger], [Acknowledged], or [Recovery] state.
Clear Recovery Alarm
Erases the recovered alarm message at the current cursor
position. The message is not erased if it is not in the Recovery
Clear All Recovery Alarms
Erases all recovered Alarm Messages.
Clear Acknowledged Alarm
Erases the acknowledged alarm message at the current cursor
position. The message is not erased if it is not in the
Acknowledged state.
Clear All Acknowledged Alarms
Erases all Acknowledged Alarm Messages.
Clear Individual Number of Occurrences
Clears the Number of Occurrences for the alarm in the cursor's
current position and replace that value with "0".
Clear All Number of Occurrences
Clears the Number of Occurrences for all displayed alarms and
replace that value with "0".
Clear Individual Accumulated Time
Clears the accumulated time for the alarm in the cursor's
current position and replace that value with "0".
Clear All Accumulated Time
Clears the accumulated time for all displayed alarms and replace
that value with "0".
Set a switch to sort Alarm Messages.
This setting is disabled when the Display Mode
is set to [Log].
Even when the display order of the messages
changes on the screen, the Alarm History data is printed or saved
to the CF Card in the order of occurrence.
In Reverse Order of Trigger Date
Displays Alarm Messages in the order of occurrence, according to
the scroll direction.
In Order of Number of Occurances
Displays Alarm Messages in the order starting with the largest
occurrence frequency, according to the scroll direction.
If multiple alarms with the same frequency
exist, they will display in the decreasing order of the accumulated
time, according to the scroll direction. If multiple alarms have
the same number of occurrences and accumulated time, the newest
alarm will display first.
In Descending Order of Accumulated Time
Displays Alarm Messages in the order starting with the largest
accumulated time, according to the scroll direction.
If multiple alarms with the same accumulated
time exist, they will display in the decreasing order of the number
of occurrences, according to the scroll direction. If multiple
alarms have the same number of occurrences and accumulated time,
the newest alarm will display first.
Level & In Reverse Order of Trigger
Displays Alarm Messages in the order starting with the highest
registered level, according to the scroll direction. If multiple
Alarm Messages with the same level exist, messages will display in
the order starting with the latest occurrence date.
Level & In Descending Order of Number of
Displays Alarm Messages in the order starting with the highest
registered level, according to the scroll direction. If multiple
Alarm Messages with the same level exist, messages will display in
the decreasing order of the alarm frequency, according to the
scroll direction.
Alarm Registration Order
Displays Alarm Messages in ascending order of the registration
number (Row Number) set in [Alarm], according to the scroll
Reverse Order Display
Displays Alarm Messages in the reverse order of the specified
sorting order.
Set the scroll switch used by the [Address] column.
Scroll Right Value
Scrolls displayed data to the right.
Scroll Left Value
Scrolls displayed data to the left.|
Sub Display
Set the Sub Display switch.
Sub Display
Displays the sub screen registered to the Alarm Message at the
current cursor position.
Alarm Number Acquisition
Set the Alarm Number Acquisition switch.
Alarm Number Acquisition
Obtains the Alarm Message Number (the row number registered in
[Alarm]) of the message at the current cursor position.
The retrieved alarm message number is stored in the location
defined in the [Cursor Shape] tab's [Storage Word Address].
Start Ladder Monitor
Sets up a switch to start ladder monitoring.
Start Ladder Monitor
If you purchased and installed the Ladder monitor, use the
Ladder Monitor to search the step that uses the device address that
corresponds to the selected alarm.
Choose a switch to set the label or scroll count.
Set the number of rows to scroll up or down from 1 to 768 when
you place the [Scroll Up]/[Scroll Down] switch.
Specify whether to use Freeze Mode when you place the [Start]
switch. Freeze Mode suspends the currently displayed alarms and
prohibits the screen display from refreshing. This can be used to
temporarily stop the display when alarms are triggered too often to
be seen.
When Freeze Mode is set, touch [Start] twice to begin freeze
mode, and touch [End] to stop it.
When the following operations are performed in freeze mode, the
management and display will be as follows.
Set the text to display on the switch label.
Font Type
Choose a font type for the switch label from [Standard Font] or
[Stroke Font].
Display Language
Select a language for the label on the switch from [Japanese],
[ASCII], [Chinese (Traditional)], [Chinese (Simplified)], [Korean],
[Cyrillic], or [Thai].
Text Color
Select a color for the switch label.
Input the text to display on the switch label.
Set the Switch color.
Border Color/Display Color
Designate the switch and background color.
Select the blink and blink speed. You can choose different blink
settings for the [Border Color], [Display Color], and [Pattern
There are cases where you cannot set
Blink. It depends on the display unit
model, or the [Color] setting available from the [System Settings],
[Display Unit], [Display] tab.
1.6 Supported
Select the switch pattern from 9 types.
Pattern Color
Specify the pattern color when you select options other than [No