Set the format of the Alarm History display.
Select how to specify the display block from either [Direct] or
Display Block
When the [Block] is set to [Direct], select the registered block
with the alarm message to be displayed from [Block 1] to [Block 8].
When the [Block] is set to [Address], set the address specifying
the block to be displayed.
Before the display startup, if there is a
communication error with the device/PLC set as the specified block
address, alarm parts will not appear. As long as the alarm
monitoring address indicates alarms are active, when communication
is recovered with the device/PLC defined for the block address, all
alarm messages that arose to that point will display.
When there is a communication error with the
device/PLC defined for the block address, as long as communication
with the device/PLC set up for the alarm monitoring address remains
active the display will update, although the block number will not
Display Mode
Choose the Alarm Message display method from [History], [Log],
or [Active]. Alarm Guide
Message Display Method
Select a way to display the Alarm Message.
Displayed on one line with other items such
as Date or Trigger Time.
Displays only alarm messages on a separate
line from other items.
Lines per Message
When [Alarm Parts]-[Basic]-[Message Display Method]-[Multiple
line display] is selected, set the number of lines for messages
from 1 to 5.
Display Start Row
Set the row where the Alarm Message will start displaying from 1
to 768.
Display Alarms
Set the amount of alarms to display in the alarm part, from 1 to
Display Row Spacing
Set the space between Alarm Messages from 0 to 7 dots.