Only one Text Alarm can be set to a single Base
Screen. to display two or more Text Alarm Parts on one screen, use
a Window Screen.
The maximum number of display characters on one
row is decided by the display unit model and the text size.
When using image fonts, characters that overlap
the text alarm part do not display.
When the [Input Multilanguage] option is enabled
in the Common Settings [Text Registration], and the image font
settings are different in each table, shows only the characters
that can display despite the number of characters defined in the
[Display Characters] field.
If the selected image font is not available on
your operating system (for example, font is deleted from the
operating system), you cannot change the size by dragging text
alarm parts or from the style settings. to edit the parts, change
the font or reinstall the font.
If the Alarm Message is wider than the display
area, the portion that exceeds the area is truncated and is not
If a message contains characters that cannot be
displayed, that message will not be displayed.
When the Text File Number of the text displayed
in the Text Alarm Part is changed during operation, the cursor and
sub display are cleared.
When too many alarms arise simultaneously, you
can place Text Alarm Parts on multiple screens and designate
[Display Start Row] as follows to view the messages by changing
Screen 1: Start Rung (normally "1")
Screen 2: Display Rows + Start Rung for 1 screen
Screen n: Display Rows x (n-1) + Start Rung for 1 screen